Meeting your friend in a semi spring morning, quite by accident, is priceless ...
Mary: giaccone, Benetton, vecchie collezioni; sciarpa, Fred Mello; jeans, Oltre, p/e 2013, scarpe fatte a mano, Barbera, via Trento, Biella; foulard e occhiali Ray Ban, vintage, dal cassetto di mamma.
Mary: jacket, Benetton, old collections; scarf, Fred Mello, jeans, well, s/s 2013; hand-made shoes, Barbera, via Trento, Biella, scarf and Ray Ban sunglasses, vintage, by my mother's drawer.
Serena: Cappotto vintage bicolore, Jules et Jim, Firenze; baschetto inglese, Ladyjane Bvintage, Firenze; pantaloni, Zara, vecchie collezioni; chelsea boot, Dr Martens, a/i 2012/2013 (presi da Vitalogy, Firenze....una una magnifica serata di prova scarpe anti-neve!)
Serena: vintage bi-color coat, Jules et Jim, Florence; English cap, Ladyjane Bvintage, Florence, trousers, Zara, old collections, chelsea boot, Dr. Martens, a/w 2012/2013 (taken from Vitalogy, Florence .... a wonderful evening full anti-snow of shoes !)
Entrambe con MarieClaire
Both with MarieClaire
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